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What is Spiritual Direction?

Spiritual direction is a conversation founded on compassion while acknowledging the misery and the mystery of life. Because we are all connected through Love, spiritual direction nurtures a safe environment for one to speak and be heard without judgment in the Presence of the Divine Spirit.


Individual spiritual direction is a time within that safe environment where one's space and story are held sacred, so they can "find the gentle voice that speaks to us and affirms us in a way no human voice ever could." It is time for silence, time for questions, time to be your true self, and time to allow transformation to materialize through Mercy, Love, and Grace. 


Group spiritual direction is a group of people whose common goal is to hold space for one another confidentially amidst the struggles in life while being led to actively listen, ask healthy questions, and move toward noticing a spiritual presence in their daily experience. This happens under the posture of an intentional and contemplative demeanor, open-mindedness, and a humble spirit and mind.


Spiritual direction is a guide for one to create their own map on the journey through healing. 


Check out this great article from Ignatian Spirituality for more insight.

Spiritual Direction is NOT:

  • pastoral counseling

  • psychological counseling

  • advice or false reassurance

  • developing "the right" beliefs or behaviors

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How Do I Begin Spiritual Direction?


Then... click here to make a consultation appointment. We will meet in person or online for an initial conversation, with no fee or commitment. At that time, we will discuss your expectations for spiritual direction, gather basic background information, and what I can offer you in this professional setting. Confidentiality and other essential elements will be discussed at our initial meeting as well as any other questions you may have. 


If you decide to proceed with spiritual direction, we will set up a time to meet monthly for about an hour each session. The cost is completely up to you and received as a love offering. You may also choose to pay it forward for those who cannot afford to pay for their sessions. 


Group spiritual direction is offered as a specialized appointment. Please email me to discuss your needs or interests.


Group retreats are forthcoming. Join our mailing list for news, & upcoming events.

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